

Tips for better healthcare photography blog image

Tips for better healthcare photography

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5 Ways to Upgrade Your Healthcare Images Marketers are often stuck with a healthcare photography library dominated by drab exam-rooms, painfully cheesy staff photos, and stock images with all the visual stopping power of shirt cardboard. Here are 5 quick ways out of the putty-colored forest of healthcare photography. 1. Know the HIPAA restrictions. Of […]

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When C-suite leaders ask, "How good is our website conversion?" here are a few things to remember blog image

When C-suite leaders ask, “How good is our website conversion?” here are a few things to remember

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General conversion vs. funnel-specific conversion Depending on who you listen to, digital marketing programs for “General Medical Services” produced a 2.1% – 3.2% conversion rate last year. For clarity: That means that of all the people coming into a “medical services” website (from an ad, social media post, or search page, etc) only 2-3% complete […]

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